Jul 10, 2024
2024 U.S. Corn to Benefit From Hurricane Beryl's Moisture
Author: Michael Cordonnier/Soybean & Corn Advisor, Inc.
The weather last week was generally benign with needed rainfall falling in the eastern Corn Belt and probably a little too much rain in the northwestern Corn Belt. Temperatures were seasonal to below normal in some of the northern areas.
The forecast for this week is calling for moisture from Hurricane Beryl to move into the eastern Corn Belt, especially Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, and northwestern Ohio. The timing of the rainfall is ideal as the corn is pollinating in the southern areas and pre-pollination in the northern areas. If this forecast verifies, the corn in these regions will be in good shape at least for several weeks, if not longer.
There is also rain in the forecast for the southeastern U.S., which would be very welcomed. The forecast for this week in the northwestern Corn Belt is for dryer and warmer conditions, which would be beneficial for the crops in the region.
The 2024 U.S. corn is 24% silking compared to 18% last year and 14% average. The corn is 3% in dough compared to 2% last year and 2% average. Early conditions for early pollination have generally been favorable and the corn should reach 50% pollination by July 17th.
Given the current weather and near-term forecast, there does not appear to be any threatening weather on the horizon that could disrupt the first half of pollination. The second half of pollination remains to be seen.
The corn continues to be in generally good condition and the nationwide corn yield was left unchanged this week at 179.0 bu/ac, but if the forecast verifies for rainfall in the eastern Corn Belt, the corn yield could move a little higher. The corn crop appears to be moving in a positive direction.
The July WASDE report will be released on Friday, July 12th and for corn, they will probably use the June Planted numbers of 91.45 million planted acres and 83.43 million harvested acres with a nationwide yield of 181.0 bu/ac.