May 11, 2022

2022 U.S. Soybeans 12% Planted vs. 24% Average

Author: Michael Cordonnier/Soybean & Corn Advisor, Inc.

Soybean Planting - The 2022 U.S. soybeans are 12% planted compared to 39% last year and 24% average. The soybean emergence is 3% compared to 9% last year and 4% average. The most rapid progress is in the western Corn Belt in states such as Nebraska and Kansas and the slowest is in the far northwestern Corn Belt and the eastern Corn Belt.

States of particular concern are Iowa where 7% of the soybeans are planted (34% average), Minnesota 2% (25% average), South Dakota 5% (12% average), and North Dakota 0% (6% average).

Soybean Acreage and Yield - Several weeks ago, I estimated that U.S. farmers would plant 91.0 million acres of soybeans, but the final soybean acreage is going to depend on what happens with the corn planting. Currently, I would estimate that the soybean acreage will either stay at 91.0 million acres or move higher by the time planting is complete. If the weather stays wet in the northwestern Corn Belt, there is an outside chance that some farmers may opt for prevent plant instead of planting their soybeans, but that is a long way off and I would not bet on that at this point.

Farmers are also being encouraged to plant as many double crop soybeans as possible following the wheat harvest, so that is another factor to consider.

The soybean yield was left unchanged this week at 51.5 bu/ac and I have a neutral bias going forward. The soybean planting would have to be significantly delayed into June before I would consider adjusting the soybean yield.