Jan 23, 2024

2023/24 Argentina Soybeans 97% Planted, 36% Blooming

Author: Michael Cordonnier/Soybean & Corn Advisor, Inc.

Argentina received generous rain amounts last week in the central and northeastern part of the country resulting in some wetness concerns. Over the weekend, there were a few light showers in Cordoba with dry weather in most of Argentina.

The forecast is calling for warmer-than-normal and dryer-than-normal weather across most of the country. If the forecast verifies, moisture stress could develop in the southern areas such as La Pampa and Buenos Aires. Potential stress would occur as the crops are entering their reproductive phase.

Soybeans in Argentina were 97% planted as of late last week and 36% of the soybeans were blooming and 7% were starting to set pods. Most of the soybeans left to plant are in far northern Argentina where recent wet weather has delayed the completion of the planting.

Within two weeks, the soybeans will be in full bloom and if dry weather persists past the 10-15 day period, the soybean crop could be negatively impacted. Currently, the crop is in good condition.

As of late last week, the soybeans in Argentina were rated 2% poor/very poor, 43% fair, and 55% good/excellent. The good/excellent percentage is up 4% from the prior week. The soil moisture for the soybeans is rated 7% short/very short, 90% favorable/optimum, and 3% saturated. The favorable/optimum percentage is down 2% from the prior week. Below is the soybean rating from the Buenos Aires Grain Exchange for January 17, 2024


2022/23 Argentina Soybean Ratings*

ConditionSoil Moisture
Poor/V. Poor %Good/Excellent %Short/V ShortFavorable/Optimum
Dec. 14, 2023 4 (1) 30 (85) 13 (9) 86 (84)
Dec. 21, 2023 3 (4) 37 (73) 6 (42) 91 (58)
Dec. 28, 2023 3 (30) 40 (10) 7 (45) 91 (55)
Jan. 3, 2024 2 (40) 42 (7) 9 (46) 90 (54)
Jan. 10, 2024 3 (58) 51 (4) 6 (67) 92 (33)
Jan. 17, 2024 2 (56) 55 (4) 7 (69) 90 (31)

*Source: Buenos Aires Grain Exchange – Crop Condition & Development Stages